Come near and rescue me deliver me because of my foes. Psalm 69:18
I wonder how many men and women who fought for our country prayed or cried out these very words? It's hard to imagine standing up so bravely for a country and willing to lay one's life down. I wonder how many called out for God's nearness to pull them through their last minutes. So many have lost the battle for their lives, and today we remember them.
David knew what it was like to have foes chasing him on every side. He knew God's nearness was the answer to his possible tragedy. The Psalmist knew the true sense of rescue was deliverance, mostly likely of fear or allowing the enemy's forces to overcome his heart.
Most of us are likely in a battle surrounded by fears and anxieties. The forces of unfavorable circumstances may have us gripped in fear or hopelessness. However, there is good news, for God has overcome; we are not to fear. God's deliverance may come differently than what we expected. He may not change the situation, but the true miracle is realizing He is with us all the way through it! He is with us through it all, and today we remember the war He fought for our true freedom.
I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Mt. 28:20
Today in the Workplace
Beloved, be assured God is with you. Call out.