From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother's womb. Psalm 71:6
Many of us have experienced the disappointment that comes from relying on others only to be disappointed. The regret may come from a broken promise, severed relationship, unmet expectation, or several other reasons. We want to rely on others and their word, but they often fail us. We even fall short –our intentions may be good, but our follow-through bombs.
Thanks be to God; we can always rely on Him. There isn't a Word God has written that won't fail. What God says He does. The Lord is the One who created the words for us to rely on. He is the One who made love for us to fall into. The reliance on God starts before any other relationship or thing.
Often we may become disappointed relying on God because His actions may not be what we thought He should have done. Often we put our demands on God and become disappointed as we wait. But like the Psalmist, let us remember God is our most trustworthy source of reliance. His Word will fill our lives to the fullest.
Today in the Workplace
Who are you relying on today?