But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who long for your saving help always say, "The Lord is great!" Psalm 70:4
It is time to rejoice, says the Psalmist, but this may feel like the last thing to put on the agenda today for some of us. God has a fantastic way of turning our sorrow into times of joy. God desires to give us a new perspective in our day. A glance of life with Him will provide us with a day of rejoicing.
We don't have to wait for all our pains to be alleviated before we turn towards God. We seek God amid all our sorrows, and it's right there our eyes see, and our heart understands that the Lord is Great. When all our minds think about is life's sorrows, it leads us to despair but seeking God will help our heart turn to joy.
We all have seasons where God may seem like a distant help or no help at all—the season where our heart is sorrowful or filled with loss. But this is the place where God desires to show you his saving help. He walks in and opens our eyes to see from His perspective. He walks in and softens our pain-filled hearts, and helps us see he is walking with us. Can we say the Lord is great? Saying this may not change your situation, but it softens the heart. Welcome God during all the pain and find joy. May you find your heart softened by His revealing presence.
Today in the Workplace
How is the Lord's greatness showing up in your life?