May my accusers perish in shame; may those who want to harm me be covered with scorn and disgrace. Psalm 71:13
The Psalmist has had enough of the pressure of the enemy that is surrounding him. However, he is wise enough to know that the enemy can't take his heart. He knows with God that they can't control his attitude or perspective on life. But he also understands the reality of their persecution and how influential they can be. He knew it wasn't his job to bring vengeance but realized who could.
When we begin looking at our persecutors apart from God, we can become very discouraged and hopeless. But put God in front of them, and we glean a new perspective. Offer them up in prayer and wait on God.
The enemy is after the heart. Times of persecution test the heart and brings to the surface where we are weak. If we become consumed with the trials before us, we soon lose hope and fall into despair. But remember, God uses a time of persecution to reveal His glory. He uses these seasons of suffering to show He hasn't left us and desires to keep our hearts firm in Him. But many of us look to our situation for our heart's strength and fall. God is the strength of our souls; stay strong in Him.
Today in the Workplace
Who do you need to pray for?