For my enemies speak against me; those who wait to kill me conspire together. They say, "God has forsaken him; pursue him and seize him, for no one will rescue him." Psalm 71:10,11
The enemies of the Psalmist had come to the conclusion God had forsaken him. They thought the writer had his guard down; now it was time to attack. But what they didn't realize is God doesn't abandon His people- He is always with them. What the enemies didn't see is the Almighty protected the Psalmist.
Enemies may come against us every day. The goal is to get our eyes off the constant presence of the Lord and unto fear. The enemy loves it when believers begin to doubt the refuge of the Lord and become anxious. The enemy plans to wreck our faith and fill our hearts with doubt. When we start to feel abandoned, our mind begins to wonder how we will make it.
The strategy for the feelings of doubt and abandonment is first to realize the lies. Our feelings cannot always be trusted, especially when the enemy is convincing them they are alone. When these intense emotions come, God says take heart He has overcome. Jesus reminds us that we will have troubles, but He also says, He is always with us! The enemy needs to know we will not be overcome.
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Mt 28:20…Jesus
Today in the Workplace
Put the truth in place