As for me, I

will always have hope; I will praise you more and more. Psalm 71:14
Notable, the Psalmist didn't lose hope even during persecutions. He didn't lose the sense of confidence that God was still in control. He continued to walk in faith even with the enemies surrounding him- he knew there was a more incredible surrounding.
What about us? Do we realize that even when we are surrounded by troubles that the Almighty is surrounding us? We may feel like we've been abandoned to
our problems which leaves us hopeless and fearful. But the truth is God never forsakes us, and it is the truth that gives us hope. Our senses can lead us away from the facts leading us into despair.
Today is the day to receive the truth and allow our hearts to remain surrounded by God. He is with us, and that ushers in the hope that we can praise Him more and more amid the turmoil of life. We don't wait to feel like praising; we shout out, knowing he surrounds us. His care is constant, and His presence gives us confidence today.
Today in the Workplace
Can you shout out?